118th Annual Conference Sessions: Economic Development

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Sessions for Sunday, June 9

No economic development sessions for June 9

Sessions for Monday, June 10

No economic development sessions for June 10

Sessions for Tuesday, June 11

11 Jun
2:00 PM-3:15 PM ET
Rooms W224, CDGH

To P3 or Not to P3

Some projects are perfect for public private partnerships (P3s). Others are just really complex deals that involve the private sector. What's the difference between the two? How do governments analyze, structure, and negotiate commercially complex deals. In addition, how can small governments do this when they don’t have the internal staff resources or expertise? Attend this session to learn how all governments can better work with the private sector to deliver complex capital projects and mitigate risk.

1.5 CPE credit
11 Jun
3:35 PM-4:50 PM ET
Rooms W224, CDGH

Urban Forum: Responding to the Homelessness Crisis

Homelessness is a growing challenge facing nearly every urban area across the United States and Canada. Just as there is not one cause of this crisis, there is not one solution either. Addressing this challenge will require a multi-pronged approach and partnerships between different organizations. This session is hosted by GFOA's Urban Forum and all current forum members. Those interested in joining the forum are invited to attend to learn how some communities are addressing homelessness and how they are funding these efforts.

GFOA's Urban Forum is free for GFOA members from large urban governments and exists to provide opportunities for networking and exchanging information on topics unique to the demands of managing large and complex organizations.

1.5 CPE credit

Sessions for Wednesday, June 12

12 Jun
10:30 AM-12:10 PM ET
Tangerine Ballroom, WF4

Managing Water Infrastructure and Assets in Modern America

Finance professionals from very different communities are united in challenges faced by water. Some face the threat of erosion and destruction of property from climate change induced flooding, others struggle with water quality and availability, more need to balance the needs of growing residential and industrial uses with that of agriculture. In all cases, finance professionals need to focus on maintaining critical infrastructure that allows our communities to exist. At this session, speakers will discuss what it takes to maintain, plan, and fund the assets and infrastructure necessary for water sustainably in the face of multi-level environmental, fiscal, and legacy system challenges.

2 CPE credits