118th Annual Conference Sessions: Capital Planning and Asset Management

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Sessions for Sunday, June 9

No capital planning and asset management sessions for June 9

Sessions for Monday, June 10

10 Jun
10:30 AM-12:10 PM ET
Tangerine Ballroom, WF2

Halfway Through: What Can IIJA Still Do for You?

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provides over a half-trillion dollars in infrastructure investment to communities due to a bipartisan effort to enhance the nation's traditional and non-traditional infrastructure network. Come to this session to hear from representatives from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the National Telecommunications Information Administration, and Environmental Protection Agency to understand the investments already made and the opportunities ahead.

2 CPE credits
10 Jun
10:30 AM-12:10 PM ET
Rooms W224, CDGH

Putting Assets to Work: Unlocking the Value of Underused Real Estate

GFOA's Putting Assets to Work (PAW) initiative has brought together 14 jurisdictions to explore best practices, policy tools, and approaches to unlock new revenue and other public benefits from unused or underutilized land. PAW leaders have identified underutilized government-owned real estate valued at billions of dollars in both small and large jurisdictions. These jurisdictions are already beginning to realize new revenue and other community benefits, including affordable housing, clean energy, infrastructure, and criminal justice innovations. At this session, you will hear from the partners leading these efforts and the governments that have engaged in and are implementing this transformative work and learn how your government could engage in this initiative.

2 CPE credits
10 Jun
2:40 PM-3:55 PM ET
Tangerine Ballroom, WF1

The Climate Cost Collision: Addressing Climate Mitigation at the Local Level

Climate change will be felt at a local level and governments will need to better understand how they will be impacted and what they will need to do to address challenges from sea-level rise, flooding, drought, severe weather, public health, population change, or more. The session will help finance professionals identify key risks that governments face, provide tools for assessing the financial and long-term budget implications, and provide ideas for potential mitigation strategies. In addition, speakers will highlight innovative and creative solutions that governments can take advantage of now to better prepare their leaders, the organization, and overall community.

1.5 CPE credit
10 Jun
4:15 PM-5:30 PM ET
Room W230

Partnering with Public Works: Using Data and Levels of Service for Better Asset Management

Solutions to the challenges of aging infrastructure are not found exclusively within the finance or budget offices of an organization. While GFOA believes that a robust asset management program is important to long-term sustainability, we are far from alone with this view and are better collaborating with peers from across the organization, including public works. Managing the data and making good short- and long-term capital and asset management decisions is a shared responsibility. This session will explore how finance can best work with engineers, project managers, and others in the organization to drive cost effective maintenance, maintain services, and get the most from existing infrastructure.

1.5 CPE credit

Sessions for Tuesday, June 11

11 Jun
10:20 AM-Noon ET
Rooms W224, CDGH

The Role of Natural Assets in Planning for Resiliency

If we still think that cement and steel alone can save us, we are using 1950s thinking to battle 2020s issues. Recently, we dealt with floods filling subway tunnels, witnessed a hurricane reach the Maritimes, saw the largest dollar disaster in United States history (again), saw impacts from wildfire smoke cover practically the entire continent. Change is the only constant. How can finance professionals lead the charge to bring about differences in thinking about how we prepare for and protect ourselves against natural disasters. What can we be doing differently? What assets can we utilize to help protect our communities, and how can we create incentives for smarter, disaster aware planning to create more sustainable organizations and communities for the future.

2 CPE credits
11 Jun
2:00 PM-3:15 PM ET
Rooms W224, CDGH

To P3 or Not to P3

Some projects are perfect for public private partnerships (P3s). Others are just really complex deals that involve the private sector. What's the difference between the two? How do governments analyze, structure, and negotiate commercially complex deals. In addition, how can small governments do this when they don’t have the internal staff resources or expertise? Attend this session to learn how all governments can better work with the private sector to deliver complex capital projects and mitigate risk.

1.5 CPE credit

Sessions for Wednesday, June 12

12 Jun
10:30 AM-12:10 PM ET
Tangerine Ballroom, WF4

Managing Water Infrastructure and Assets in Modern America

Finance professionals from very different communities are united in challenges faced by water. Some face the threat of erosion and destruction of property from climate change induced flooding, others struggle with water quality and availability, more need to balance the needs of growing residential and industrial uses with that of agriculture. In all cases, finance professionals need to focus on maintaining critical infrastructure that allows our communities to exist. At this session, speakers will discuss what it takes to maintain, plan, and fund the assets and infrastructure necessary for water sustainably in the face of multi-level environmental, fiscal, and legacy system challenges.

2 CPE credits