Budget in the Crosshairs: Using a Target-Based Approach

Conference Registration

Are you looking for a new approach to budgeting that can help you control spending growth, minimize budget gamesmanship, and promote autonomy within departments? If so, target-based budgeting (TBB) could be the approach you’re looking for. With TBB, the budget office provides each department with a spending target for core services. This target is less than the total revenue forecasted. The difference between the spending target and the revenue forecast is the amount available for supplemental services. Departments can submit decision packages for the supplemental services funding.

At this session, a panel of local government budget professionals who utilize TBB will discuss their experiences, highlighting the challenges they have encountered, how they overcame them, and the benefits they are seeing in their organizations.

Learning Objectives

  • Define what is meant by a target-based approach to budgeting

  • Discuss the benefits of target-based budgeting.

  • Explain how local governments can overcome challenges associated with this budgeting method.