DC Spotlight: Past, Present, and Future of the District of Columbia

Conference Registration

Beyond being a major metropolitan area with nearly 700,000 residents, diverse neighborhoods, a cultural and artistic hub, major sports teams, and the United States capital, it also has a unique governance structure. Washington, DC, acts similarly to a city, county, and state, and has an elected mayor and city council, an independent CFO, and is subject to congressional oversight.

This session will cover the history of the area and how notable events helped shape its current state and form of governance. Panelists will discuss current issues for the District, how the public finance function is organized, and other behind-the-scenes information on this distinctive form of government.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain how the DC government functions as a city, county, and state.

  • Describe the city's governing structure.

  • Discuss the city's role as a hub of art, culture, research, and education.