Never a Dull Moment: Reflections and Predictions on the Muni-Market

Conference Registration

"It’s an interesting time to be alive in the muni-market" should be a 2025 tagline. With policy and market changes and nearly every corner of muni-land having something to say, it's important for issuers of municipal securities to be aware of these conversations and understand how these big-picture issues may affect their own debt programs.

At this session, industry leaders and experts will share their impressions of what 2025 has brought thus far and what to expect for the rest of the year and beyond. Whether it's Washington policymakers, Wall Street dealmakers, or the numerous factors affecting how projects can get done in your jurisdiction, this panel will shed insights on the key areas that are gaining traction in the municipal market.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe major topics in the municipal securities market that affect debt issuers.

  • Determine what factors in the future may impact debt issuance and management practices.

  • Identify the market and policy variables influencing your capital financing program.