Play Ball: Governments and Public Funding for Professional Sports Facilities
Professional sports teams have potential to generate jobs and tax revenue, provide marketing and branding opportunities for the region, and provide recreational options. Teams also provide a unique opportunity to rally and unite a community in support of the home team. However, even the most loyal of fans can be split on the role of government and public funding for stadiums and arenas. Governments are often under pressure to contribute to the cost of construction, maintenance, and operations while also not being able to benefit from the majority of revenue the facilities generate. Stadium and arena projects can be extremely complex and controversial.
In this session, speakers will discus how do governments make decisions related to these high profile projects and learn from peers on how to estimate revenue and costs, prepare long-term projects, identify creative options that benefit the community, navigate public relations challenges, and negotiate a better deal for the community.
Learning Objectives
Identify the different decision-making matrices for evaluating stadium and arena investments.
Discuss financing options for stadiums and arenas.
Discuss the challenge of negotiating these complicated financing packages.
Determine the full costs of an arena or stadiums for your local government.