The Future of Water: Finance and the Path to Sustainability
Financial sustainability ranked among the top challenges identified in the American Water Works Association's (AWWA) 2024 State of the Water Industry Report. AWWA has created a Water 2025 Vision to promote a more sustainable and resilient future for the water industry and the critical service it provides to all our communities.
Attend this session to better understand how you can get involved and prepare your organization to address critical questions related to building appropriate infrastructure, mitigating risks from natural and human caused disaster, pricing services, avoiding economic burden on our most vulnerable communities, and building and maintaining public trust. This session provides a glimpse into our water future through the lens of financial sustainability, innovation, and partnerships.
Learning Objectives
Gain an understanding of AWWA’s Water 2050 initiative.
Learn about additional tools and resources to help solve financial sustainability problems.
Identify resources for financial resiliency.
Understand the issues and obstacles to full-cost pricing models.