The Leader in You: Creating a Culture of Care and Engagement Through Responsibility, Accountability, and Authority

Conference Registration

The ability to lead has never really been a function of your title. Rather, it’s about personal responsibility, accountability, and ethical influence. The best leaders recognize they need an appropriate mix of professional and personal attributes to engage their team.

This session will explore essential leadership traits, the importance of personal branding, and how to create a culture of care that engages and activates the discretionary effort that all team members possess in order to achieve organizational objectives. Participants will learn about leading with integrity, how to inspire others, and apply the principles of responsibility and accountability in their daily interactions to help achieve deeper connections with the members of their team.

Learning Objectives

  • Differentiate between accountability, responsibility, and authority and their impact on leadership.

  • Identify and incorporate essential leadership traits that enhance effectiveness.

  • Summarize and utilize ethical leadership principles to create a culture of care and engagement.