Trust in Government: Applying GFOA's Code of Ethics
Trust is an asset as important as any that can be found on any government balance sheet. However, by several different measures, trust in government has decreased in recent years. This lack of trust can hamper the ability for local governments to provide needed services to the community, raise sufficient revenue, or demonstrate value. Similarly, distrust among colleagues within a government can stifle collaboration.
GFOA’s Code of Ethics provides a playbook for how finance professionals can earn the trust of the public and their colleagues. At this session, learn the key elements of the code and how it can help you be most effective in your role.
Learning Objectives
Identify the key elements of GFOA’s Code of Ethics.
Discuss how GFOA’s Code of Ethics can help public servants earn the trust of the public and their colleagues.
Explain how the lack of trust among colleagues and from the public can negatively impact a local government’s operations.