WPFN Mentorship Program

Mentorship is a valuable resource that helps with career advancement and professional success.

Matches for the 2024–2025 WPFN Mentorship Program were announced in June 2024. The application cycle will open again in Spring 2025.

GFOA's Women's Public Finance Network's (WPFN) mentorship program seeks to strengthen and build our network of finance professionals by connecting members so that they can gain skills and confidence needed to excel in the public finance industry. Mentors are encouraged to work with mentees to determine what kind of support will be most helpful – specific feedback about career advice, finding jobs, technical advice, personal development, and work/life balance. Mentees are encouraged to seek professional career guidance from mentors.

Program Details:


This program is available to active GFOA members involved in WPFN representing both the public and private sector.

Matching Process

WPFN’s Mentorship Subcommittee will review applications and assign mentor-mentee pairs after applications have been submitted.

Program Format and Duration

Mentors and mentees will work together to coordinate meetings. Because of GFOA’s vast network, mentor-mentee pairs may reside in different states, thus pairs may be meeting via conference calls or virtual meetings.

The mentorship program is for a duration of one-year. Connections may continue well beyond the program duration at the discretion of the mentor and mentee.  

Program Cost

There is no additional cost to participate in the program; it is a GFOA/WPFN membership benefit.

Additional Program Information

WPFN Mentorship Program and Questions to Facilitate Mentor-Mentee Meetings are additional resources for more information on the program.

If you have any questions about the WPFN Mentorship Program, please contact LaKisha McCrary.

2023–2024 Mentorship Spotlight

Why did you decide to participate in the WPFN Mentorship Program?

Heather (mentee) While I have worked in the accounting and finance field for many years, I’ve reached a professional plateau and have been seeking out ways to recharge my career. I felt that a mentor, who is working at a capacity that I hope to achieve one day, would be helpful in my journey.

Sarah (mentor) I participated previously in the WPFN Mentorship Program and was, unfortunately, not able to connect much with my mentor. It was important for me to try out the program again and I decided to go in as a mentor. My career has followed in the path of very successful women so I figured if I got stuck, I would have great people to reach out to for advice.

What subjects have you covered in your conversations and what were some of the outcomes of those discussions?

Heather (mentee) Sarah’s guidance has been instrumental for me as I work on strengthening some of my underdeveloped areas. Sarah has guided me out of my comfort zone, introduced me to professional associations, and helped me to set actionable goals. I recognize that Sarah’s time is valuable, and I feel so fortunate that she’s sharing it with me. I want to be sure that we maximize that time and I always try to have topics identified before we meet.

Sarah (mentor) Heather has been great at communicating to me what issues she would like to work through. Most recently, we talked about how to become more engaged at work (outside of our spreadsheets) and how to get the feedback we need in order to keep growing in our roles. We’ve come up with ideas on how to accomplish both and Heather has already put some of those ideas into place to reach out to peers. I plan to use some of the same ideas both for my staff and myself.

Have you found the time invested in the program to be worthwhile?

Heather (mentee) My time with Sarah has been invaluable and the program has exceeded my expectations. Sarah has been a great sounding board and has provided practical advice. I have grown in ways this year that would not have been possible without her mentorship, and I hope our relationship will continue throughout our careers.

Sarah (mentor) Absolutely. I am enjoying getting to know Heather and sharing our experiences. I was hesitant to sign up as a mentor but have found that we have so many of the same challenges. While I’ve been able to share some of my experiences and guidance, I’ve benefited just as much from hearing Heather’s perspectives on how to approach different situations. I’m very lucky to have Heather as my first mentee as she has a passion for this industry and for knowledge.