118th Annual Conference Sessions: Debt Management

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Sessions for Sunday, June 9

No debt management sessions for June 9

Sessions for Monday, June 10

10 Jun
10:30 AM-12:10 PM ET
Tangerine Ballroom, WF1

Hot Topics in the Municipal Bond Sector

In addition to managing a debt program, finance professionals need to be aware of various initiatives afoot that impact the municipal bond market and bond issuances. This session will look at key matters being discussed by federal regulators, the issuer community, and market leaders in an effort to prepare governments for what’s next.

2 CPE credits
10 Jun
2:40 PM-3:55 PM ET
Room W230

Managing Your Debt Portfolio and Program

Municipal bonds provide governments with a powerful tool to raise funding to address a variety of needs for the organization and community. However, knowing your organization's limits both in terms of overall debt capacity and ability to track and support post-issuance compliance requirements is critical. GFOA recommends all governments have a debt management program that addresses policies related to when to use debt, how to navigate the issuance process and roles and responsibilities after the debt is issued. In this session, speakers will provide an overview of these responsibilities and demonstrate ways to leverage technologies and best practices to help governments develop appropriate workflows and checklists.

Sessions for Tuesday, June 11

11 Jun
2:00 PM-3:15 PM ET
Tangerine Ballroom, WF1

Debt Market Trends and Future Outlook

While some may long for the calm market days of just a couple years ago, issuers should be looking at current market conditions and trends to determine the opportunities available to them as they manage their outstanding portfolio and plan to issue new debt. Marketplace leaders will present insights and trends of interest to issuers, and issuance participants will provide an overview of different bond structures and financings that may help governments succeed in this dynamic environment.

1.5 CPE credit
11 Jun
3:35 PM-4:50 PM ET
Room W230

Making a Good First Impression: How to Prepare for Your Bond Ratings

Governments have a tremendous opportunity to present their entity and its achievements during the bond rating process. Rating agency presentations and ongoing communications are integral to establishing and maintaining successful relationships with these important debt issuance partners. Join this session to hear from rating agency representatives who will discuss the essential variables in their rating evaluations, including recent changes to rating criteria within some agencies. Issuers from entities of various sizes will also present their approach to the ratings and rating presentation processes.

1.5 CPE credit

Sessions for Wednesday, June 12

12 Jun
10:30 AM-12:10 PM ET
Room W230

Best Practice Overview: Debt Management Policies and Practices for All Governments

GFOA’s debt issuance and management best practices are essential lessons for governments of all types and sizes. Members of GFOA’s Debt Management Committee will provide an overview of this suite of documents, highlighting topics such as maintaining a debt policy, using external advisors, debt products, the issuance process, investor relations, and disclosure practices. Speakers will emphasize key take-aways from these best practices to help governments manage their own debt program.

2 CPE credits