Enhancing Issuer Disclosure Practices

Conference Registration

Governments must be mindful of securities laws and disclosure responsibilities that come with issuing debt and managing their debt portfolios, including preparing the official statement, monitoring continuing disclosure obligations, providing voluntary disclosures to the market, and implementing a strong investor relations program. Additionally, governments need to be aware of possible changes to disclosure reporting requirements that the federal government may implement in the near future.

At this session, you will learn practical ways to review your current disclosure practices and ensure that the key tenets of GFOA’s disclosure best practices are embedded in your policies and procedures. The session will also feature case studies and demonstrations to help governments realize the potential benefits of a robust disclosure program as part of their overall debt management responsibilities.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe federal securities laws and issuer disclosure obligations.

  • Identify systems and services available to assist governments with disclosure duties.

  • Discuss how to implement protocols and best practices to enhance your entity’s disclosure program.