Best Practices Forum Sessions: Accounting and Financial Reporting

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Sessions for Monday, July 29

29 Jul
10:30 AM-12:10 PM ET

Preparing an Accurate and Complete Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA)

While the federal funding environment continues to evolve, the responsibility for preparing a complete Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) remains on the government finance staff. The SEFA is the main driver of the government’s Single Audit testing and should reflect the fiscal year expenditures related to all federal grants. In 2022, GFOA’s Accounting and Financial Reporting Committee approved a best practice on SEFA Preparation to assist governments with implementing a process for tracking grants to lead to a complete SEFA. This session will provide an overview of the best practice on SEFA preparation and a discussion from government finance officers on their experiences preparing SEFAs.

2 CPE credits

Sessions for Tuesday, July 30

No accounting and financial reporting sessions for July 30

Sessions for Wednesday, July 31

No accounting and financial reporting sessions for July 31

Sessions for Thursday, August 1

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Sessions for Friday, August 2

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