Best Practices Forum Sessions: Leadership, Ethics, and Trust
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Sessions for Monday, July 29
No leadership, ethics, and trust sessions for July 29
Sessions for Tuesday, July 30
No leadership, ethics, and trust sessions for July 30
Sessions for Wednesday, July 31
No leadership, ethics, and trust sessions for July 31
Sessions for Thursday, August 1
No leadership, ethics, and trust sessions for August 1
Sessions for Friday, August 2
Leadership Skills Needed to Implement Best Practices
Recognizing that local governments are facing unprecedented, concurrent, and interrelated challenges, such as aging infrastructure, evolving service expectations, retaining and recruiting staff, and keeping up with technology, the Government Finance Officers Association of British Columbia (GFOABC) has developed its Leadership Competency Framework. The framework, which outlines the competencies needed to demonstrate excellence in local government service delivery, is intended to help local government finance professionals assess themselves and others and identify and pursue a path to strategic financial leadership. At this session, you will learn more about each of the seven competencies and how to use the framework to assess yourself and others in your organization.