Best Practices Forum Sessions: Treasury and Investment Management

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Sessions for Monday, July 29

No treasury and investment management sessions for July 29

Sessions for Tuesday, July 30

30 Jul
3:00 PM-4:40 PM ET

Treasury Management and Investing

Building strong treasury operations is an important pillar of government finance. There are many key issues that build off and intertwine with each other, that entities must have a clear vision of these pillars as they review and strengthen an entity’s treasury office.

This course will discuss how key Best Practices related to receivables and payables functions; cash flow forecasting, and investment program management, all intersect and need to be well incorporated into government operations, both singularly and in concert with each other.

A review of the Best Practices, along with how they serve as building blocks for each other, and peer entity examples will be discussed throughout the course.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand key best practices for the treasury office.
  • Comprehend ways to have segments of treasury operations build off each other.
  • Develop ways to review your operations to ensure that they are following best practices and can work together to ensure strong treasury operations.
2 CPE credits

Sessions for Wednesday, July 31

No treasury and investment management sessions for July 31

Sessions for Thursday, August 1

No treasury and investment management sessions for August 1

Sessions for Friday, August 2

No treasury and investment management sessions for August 2