GFOA's Fundamentals Virtual Forum Sessions

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Sessions for Monday, July 10

10 Jul
2:00 PM-3:40 PM ET

Funding Capital Projects and Understanding Debt Issuance

Learn about the different funding sources available for capital projects and get a brief overview of the debt issuance and management process, especially for first-time and infrequent issuers.

Sessions for Tuesday, July 11

Sessions for Wednesday, July 12

12 Jul
11:00 AM-12:40 PM ET

Essential Tools of Public Procurement

In this session, you'll learn about various competition solicitation methods and how to implement a strategic procurement process focusing on compliance and efficiency.

2 CPE credits
12 Jul
1:00 PM-2:00 PM ET

GFOA's Membership Orientation: Unlocking Member Benefits

Attend this session to learn how to get more out of your GFOA membership. You'll also have the opportunity to provide feedback on how your government could better leverage GFOA member benefits.

12 Jul
2:00 PM-3:40 PM ET

Overview of Treasury Operations

This course will provide an overview of the finance officers’ role in treasury operations. This includes discussion from practitioners on receivables and payables functions and managing a successful investing program.  A focus on cash flow forecasting and its role in all of these functions will also be highlighted.   

2 CPE credits

Sessions for Thursday, July 13

13 Jul
11:00 AM-12:40 PM ET

Capital Asset Accounting

This training will furnish participants with a basic conceptual understanding of accounting and financial reporting for capital assets in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This session will focus on a library construction project and the essential considerations and journal entries needed to account for the transactions and other events associated with the project, and throughout the life cycle of general governmental capital assets.

Sessions for Friday, July 14