GFOA's Fundamentals Virtual Forum Sessions: Leadership, Ethics, and Trust
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Sessions for Monday, July 10
10 Jul
10:00 AM-10:50 AM ET
Introduction: The Role of an Effective CFO
Sessions for Tuesday, July 11
11 Jul
11:00 AM-12:40 PM ET
Lessons Learned from a Hybrid Office
This session will discuss managing in-person and remote teams as well as building collaboration skills in a hybrid work environment.
11 Jul
2:00 PM-3:40 PM ET
Recruiting the Next Generation of Finance Officers
It's a topic that's on the minds of many. In this session, learn about the current trends in public sector employment and strategies to more effectively recruit and retain in-demand talent.
Sessions for Wednesday, July 12
No leadership, ethics, and trust sessions for July 12
Sessions for Thursday, July 13
13 Jul
2:00 PM-3:40 PM ET
Managing Conflict and Political Polarization
Attend this session to learn about identifying the essential elements for management of capital assets and how to account for complex public sector capital projects.