Not Getting Any Easier: Ongoing Difficulty with Reporting for Pensions and OPEB

Conference Registration

Current accounting and financial reporting standards for pensions became effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2014, and similar changes for other postemployment benefits followed three years later. Even now, many governments still struggle with accounting and reporting for postemployment benefits, given the large number and high complexity of estimates necessary to measure and explain these amounts. In this session, refresh your fundamental understanding of defined benefit pension and OPEB plans from presenters with relevant actuarial, accounting, and auditing expertise.


James Rizzo

James Rizzo

Senior Consultant & Actuary, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Erica Worley

Erica Worley

Assistant Director, Financial Reporting, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, Columbus, Ohio

Tony Boras

Tony Boras

Partner, Crowe, LLP, Chicago, Illinois

Ember Strange

Ember Strange

Chief Financial Officer, City of North Little Rock, Arkansas